Think, Feel and Do better... in any area of your business!
You know how there are parts of you that get in the way of you running your business.
Fears, insecurities, shyness, self-esteem
- Mental and emotional 'blocks' that keeps you stuck or being less than what you could be.
Whatever is keeping you from being and performing at your best.
We can now rewire in your brain.
Working WITH your brain, instead of you always having to fight against yourself.
Fears, insecurities, shyness, self-esteem
- Mental and emotional 'blocks' that keeps you stuck or being less than what you could be.
Whatever is keeping you from being and performing at your best.
We can now rewire in your brain.
Working WITH your brain, instead of you always having to fight against yourself.
It's ALL in your neurons...
The PROBLEMYour brain was NOT created to run a business - It was created to survive.
Since most of us where not raised to run a business with all that it entails. All business owner run into issues where your brain is basically stuck in the past or holds on to old beliefs that is holding you and your business back. No matter what you're experiencing - At its core, it is a set of neurons connected in a specific 'pattern' that, when active, is responsible for creating your issue. Vertical Divider
The SOLUTIONWork WITH your brain, instead of against it
By working WITH your brain using the techniques evolution has used for 200.000 years. We can now take charge and directly guide the neurons responsible for your issue to form new and better 'patterns'. We physical change the 'pattern' of these neurons and that brings massive and lasting positive change. We literally rewire your brain, without the emotional pain. |
No mystery or woo-woo involved
Simply applied brain science at its best.
Why change has been so hard and why it's no longer the case
![]() Imagine the neurons in your brain are the tracks of a huge huge rollercoaster. Some tracks are uneventful, some tracks give you a great ride, yet some tracks makes you sick to your stomach or takes you to places you don't want to go.
Thinking and talking about an issue - Can help bring a new perspective to an issue. But It's like trying to fix the experience of being inside the roller coaster cart by moving to a new spot inside the cart. You do get a new perspective on the experience, sure. But it's really not the cart that is responsible for the experiences you have - It's the shape of the tracks that is responsible. Change the shape of the tracks and you will REALLY change the experience - Makes sense, yes? A new brain based approach Using my method we rewire the structure of the roller coaster tracks. So the next time your cart gets to that part of the track, you have the new and better experience. When you decide to hop on a Discovery call. I'll give you more detail of HOW we rewire the specific neurons that are responsible for your issue. is this the regular old talk therapy or something different (better)
![]() Talk therapy is exactly that "Talk". Yet, as discussed in the answer right above.
Talking about an issue is still you and your therapist predominantly trying to change your perspective on your experience. Sure a perspective change for the better is good - but compared to rewiring the responsible neurons, it's still very inefficient. Less talk, more results Once we know what part of your neuronal tracks needs to be rewired. We skip all the talking and go straight to the rewiring of those those tracks so they stop sending you for a loop and start taking you to places you ACTUALLY want to go. If you feel up for it, you will get a taste of this new approach during your Discovery call - Book yours now... "No Cure - No pay"... What's up with that?
![]() "No Cure - No Pay" is not normal, I know.
The norm is that you pay X hundred $ per session and then you hope that it wont take 10, 20, 100 sessions to get the results you are looking for. The old model is broken Too many people have had a psychologist or therapist drag their feet or bring lees than their A game. Simply to get more billable sessions. Maybe you too have had such an experience and felt taken advantage of. The old model rewards doing a shotty job - Let's be done with that and work together to get you where you want to go - In no more time than is ACTUALLY needed. "No Cure - No Pay" has 2 main advantages. 1) You will know how much it will cost for you to be free of your issue up front. That way can you make an informed decision if it is worth it for you. 2) It aligns our goals = "To get you your desired result with the least amount of wasted time and effort". If it takes longer to clear your issue than I anticipated - I'm OK with that. My focus is that you get to live a life free of what is holding you and your business back. |
I've tried everything, will this work?
![]() I will never say never - but I have yet to meet an issue that did not respond to this brain based approach.
Some issues take longer than others to clear, naturally. But It usually comes down to how situationally specific the issue is. What do i mean by that? Simply that issues that are tied to specific situations are faster to clear than issues that are 'constant' in nature. Examples 1) "Fear of making sales calls" - The neurons involved in this issue are only activated when thinking about or making sales calls - So it's specifically tied to the sales call situation. 2) "I'm a perfectionist to a fault" - The neurons involved in this issue are constantly active and they play a part in everything so the wiring is more ingrained and more complex. I hope this makes sense - If not, feel free to ask me any other question you may have below. If I can't help you, you get 100% of your money back - And you will know if this is working for you after the first 1on1 session. How does it work?
![]() All brains have the ability to change and adapt over time. This process is called neuroplasticity. By understanding what makes the brain change and adapt (become plastic). We can trigger this plasticity in the exact area of your brain that is causing you issue.
An example let’s say you have a fear of public speaking. That fear part of your brain is the trigger that sends you down the Public speaking track in your mind. This 'track' is shaped by all your previous negative experiences related to and associated with the act of public speaking. And your brain goes on this less than fun ride every time the topic of public speaking comes up. How to change it I help and guide your brain to replace old sections of track and add new sections to your ‘public speaking’ ride. Until the sum total of your Public speaking track leaves you feeling ok or even good about public speaking. Now and for the rest of your life, when you think of public speaking or has to speak in public. It’s the rewired ride that plays in your brain. The trigger is the same but the response in your brain has changed. I hope this made sense. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me below. Is the change permanent?
![]() The changes we make to an issue, like a fear of public speaking, are as permanent as the issue WAS before you we did the rewiring.
The only thing that can change the better feeling track to a bad feeling one. Is if you have a really bad, real life experience with public speaking, that adds a new "loop" to your track. But should that happen, you can just run the exercises included in the program again and make your 'track' feel good again. |
Do you have ANOTHER question?
How To Accelerate Your Success
The Discovery call is for you to find out if and how I can help you. And for you to find out if we’re a good match. - That you feel I'm the right person to help you. The call is conducted via Zoom or Google Meet. Vertical Divider
If you feel I'm the person to help you. We define what a SUCCESSFUL breakthrough will feel like for you and we agree on a fixed price for your breakthrough. No Cure - No PayVertical Divider
We will have a 1on1 online session a week (45-60min). Until we have rewired your brain successfully. Between the 1on1 sessions, you will do daily brain exercises that accelerates your brains rewiring. (The exercises are 10 or 25 min per day) Your total time investment will be approx. 150 min per week. + I will be available to answer any questions you may have. |
If you are ready for a breakthrough - Let's talk
Sounds Too Good To Be True?
I get your skepticism - It is a bold claim.
Especially if you have fought your issue for a long time with little to no change.
Thats why we have the FREE Discovery call so you get a behind the scenes look at how it works.
So you can decide if it's a good fit for you.
Especially if you have fought your issue for a long time with little to no change.
Thats why we have the FREE Discovery call so you get a behind the scenes look at how it works.
So you can decide if it's a good fit for you.