- The key to your deepest desire and greatest breakthrough -
In the dualistic mind, one thing CANNOT exist without its OPPOSITE.
Why is this crucially important to you. It seems almost trivial, right? But it, literally, holds the key to your deepest desires and greatest breakthroughs. Let's dive right in, to explore how. ‘DOWN’ cannot exist without ‘UP’, correct? ‘COLD’ cannot exist without ‘HOT’, yes? ‘OUT’ cannot exist without ‘IN’, right? ‘BAD’ cannot exist without... Exactly... ‘GOOD’ I guess you mind finished that last one on its own. Even before the '...' As the opposite HAS to exist for the other to make any sense, right? Very simple, yet a VERY profound rule of the dualistic mind. Why is this SO profound? Now, while reading this next part, if you can, pay attention to your feelings. Using the same logic of opposites... If you have a part of you, that sits in JUDGEMENT of you. You MUST have a part of you. That ABSOLUTELY LOVES and ADORES you. I hope you had the deep flash of feeling this part of you just now. But no matter if you did or not. The logic is sound, right? If you have a part of you, that sits in JUDGEMENT of you. You MUST have a part of you, somewhere. That ABSOLUTELY WHOLE HEARTEDLY LOVES and ADORES you. There HAS to be. Nothing else makes any sense. Right? I am fully aware that we are, as a species, not very good or trained in the subtle art of tapping into and connecting ourselves, to this part of ourselves. It's a brain thing. Most of us got ‘trained’ out of connection to this part. But, that is a story for another time. Right now we are ‘just’ exploring the ‘rule’ of the necessary opposites. As they exist in the dualistic mind. Let’s explore some more of these, to see if this makes sense. Again, if you can, keep some of your focus on your feelings as you read. Especially notice any visceral change in your body between reading/thinking about, the first and the second ‘version’ of you. Try reading the lines slowly and maybe even read the same line multiple times to feel the emotional shift inside you. A ‘BROKEN YOU’ cannot exist without a ‘WHOLE YOU’ A ‘BAD YOU’ cannot exist without a ‘GOOD YOU’ A ‘WRONG YOU’ cannot exist without a ‘RIGHT YOU’ An ‘INSIGNIFICANT YOU’ cannot exist without a ‘SIGNIFICANT YOU’ An ‘UNIMPORTANT YOU’ cannot exist without an ‘IMPORTANT YOU’ A ‘WORTHLESS YOU’ cannot exist without a ‘WORTHY YOU’ A ‘LOST YOU’ cannot exist without a ‘FOUND YOU’. I’m hoping this concept of ‘necessary opposites’ is starting to grow on you. And grow IN you. That it’s making sense on a visceral level. Now that you KNOW or UNDERSTAND, that one part of you CANNOT exist without its opposite part. And, you hopefully have felt the better feeling difference of the 2. The main question becomes "How do you find and facilitate MORE and BETTER access to these ‘other’ parts of you?" Right? If not, this is where the rest of this article will become a waste of your time. And I urge you to spend it somewhere else. - No need to trigger old stuff, if you are not ready for change. But if you are intrigued enough, to go further down the rabbit hole with me. Read on and let us explore this even deeper together. Right now. Imagine your dualistic mind, as a house with thousands of rooms. And right across the street there is another house, with just as many, but opposite rooms. So for every room in YOUR house. Its opposite exists in the house, right across the street. In YOUR house you are pretty familiar with the rooms.
At least the ones you spend time in on a regular basis. Some mental rooms you like, some not so much. And then there are those rooms you really really don’t like and you avoid them like the plague. Right? Now, imagine you are sitting in a helicopter. Hovering over the 2 houses of thousands of rooms. Just look at the 2 houses. YOUR house and its opposite. Is there rooms in your house that you would gladly swap for its opposite, from the other house? I’m guessing ‘Yes’ But what IF you DID swap some rooms out. Would your house still be your house? ‘Well, Yes!’, right? Your house is your house, regardless of what rooms are inside. Now you may be thinking. “Hey, that is all good and well that I can sit in an imaginary helicopter and see 2 houses. But HOW the heck do I swap one mental room for another IN THE REAL WORLD?”. VERY astute question - I get you. Let’s explore some more... Imagine you are still in the helicopter looking down on the 2 houses. Your house and its opposite. Now imagine that you have X-ray vision and can see into your house as if it has become almost transparent. Now spot a room in your house, that you don’t like and that you would like to swap with it’s opposite from the other house. Super - well done. Now turn the helicopter facing the other house. And with your same X-ray vision. Locate the room that is the opposite of the room you would like to swap out. Do you see it? Brilliant... Imagine now, that you can fly into this new opposite room. And take a look around inside. What DO you see? How DOES it feel? What kind of thoughts lives in this room? What kind of stories about, you, about others, about the world, about life, love, support and connection lives in THIS room? What kind of beliefs lives in this room? Let the impressions of this new room sink in. Just ‘hang out’ and take in this new experience. Try thinking some of the thoughts that lives in this room. How do they feel to you in your body? Try feeling some of the stories. Try on, one or 2 of the beliefs that lives in this room. Just try saying them out loud or in your head. And see how THEY feel. Maybe even write them down on a piece of paper. So you can come back and read/feel them again later today. No no, not yet... just stay in the room and REALLY soak it up. Down to how it smells. Just SMELL that. I bet you never knew. Stay as long as you like, taking it in, soaking it up. It IS YOURS TOO. Question is, which room do you want to hang out in going forward. This room or your old room? Now you might want to know if it can really be this easy to just ‘swap a room’. Well, let’s investigate that too. So... leaving the room and the houses for a second. If you have a part of you that DON'T know if it can be this easy. You MUST have its opposite. A part of you that DO know, if it can be this easy. A part of you that KNOWS, a part of you that you CAN trust, unequivocally and without ANY reservation WHATSOEVER. correct? Because that's what KNOWING means, right? To KNOW something, means you have tested it, left and right, up and down, backwards and forwards. Tested to exhaustion. If it was not tested. It would still be a belief or just an assumption, agree? That part of you that KNOWS, if it can be this easy. It MUST exist, somewhere. Regardless of how often you have connected to it. Imagine the existence of this part of you. COMPLETELY TRUSTWORTHY. Let’s bring THIS part of you, into your awareness. Maybe it shows up in a way that you can actually see it in your minds eye. Or maybe you can just get a faint sense that you have connected yourself to this part of you. Either way is OK... Now, as connected to this COMPLETELY TRUSTWORTHY KNOWING part of you, as you can be right now. Ask it... “Can it REALLY be this easy to grow and feel better? Just swapping one mental room for another?” Sense, See, Intuit the answer from this, COMPLETELY TRUSTWORTHY, part of you. It might be a strain on you brain. But take in the answer as best you can and let it sink in for a moment. Would it be correct to say that the answer is something along the lines of. “Yes, my lovely, it CAN be this easy, if you LET IT BE this easy” Is that about right? Now ask this part of you another important question. “Is it really OK for me to just swap ANY and ALL rooms, that I don't like? It almost seems too easy" Again, Sense, See, Intuit to the best of your current ability, the answer from this, COMPLETELY TRUSTWORTHY KNOWING part of you. Again sit with your answer, strong or faint, for a moment. Just sit with it in your body. This time I imagine that the answer you received was something to the effect of. “Sweetheart, my dearest sweetheart.... I want nothing more for you. Than for you to swap out every, EVERY SINGLE ROOM. You do not want, need, love or desire. I have wanted you to ask for an eternity and YES my absolutely dearest. SWAP away ANYTHING you do not like. I am your biggest fan and I have ALWAYS wanted this and even better for you. You not only have all the permission you could ever want to swap or even discard any room that does not take your fancy. You have my undying support and blessing to do so. I have ALWAYS LOVED you and it’s high time you do too. I am so grateful that you have come, finally come to ask me this. I have tried and tried, wanted so ridiculously deeply, to find a way for us to meet, to connect with you. So I could to tell you this. So you could KNOW FOR SURE that you ARE loved, especially by YOURSELF - as I AM YOU, and I DO LOVE YOU. It is the ONLY reason I am here. REALLY TRULY MY ONLY REASON to be here, to show you, your own love for you” If this hit you hard, just breathe in deeply and and exhale just as deeply. As many times as you need. This is YOUR life. Just sit with this. Take it in, in every way, shape or form you experience it. Re-read as many times as you want - it is true. Soak it in and simply let it permeate and penetrate every cell in your body and inform every neuron in your brain. This IS your life. When you have taken this into EVERY part of you, mind, body and soul. Then take a deep breath and release it into a BIG sigh of relief - Puuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh OK, one more deep breath and let go on the exhale. Let go of any and all the thinking and ideas you ever had about who you ARE and HOW LOVED YOU ARE. That does not fit with the experience you just had. Just let it all go on the exhale. Let all those thoughts and ideas go. For good. They no longer serve you, as if they ever did. And, apparently, they weren’t even really true at all. But hey, who knew 😉 I will leave you now, in your new capable loving hands, so you can take a pause, relax, rest up and rejuvenate in your new awareness of you, yourself. And how you feel about being absolutely FREE to ‘remodel’ YOUR house to YOUR particular taste and desires. How blessed you truly are. You just had lost track and sight of it. I deeply desire and hope for you ,that you will treat and treasure yourself as much as this WHOLE, this GOOD, this RIGHT, this SIGNIFICANT, this IMPORTANT, this WORTHY, KNOWING and most importantly FOUND part of you does. Should you, ever again lose track and sight of this most valuable part of you. I urge you to pick up an imaginary phone and call out to the universe, saying. “Hey baby, I got lost again, please come find me, like you did before” - Your call WILL be answered, just like it did today. If you have a particular part of you or mental space, that is causing you problems. And you want Accelerated Change. I have the tool for you... If you want my 1on1 help in facilitating your breakthrough. In any area of your life. Blessings be upon you, always /Martin Sharing is CaringWho do you know, who would benefit from this?
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Comments from readers...
Genius... 👏 I feel my body expanding... Spot on! |